Perris Farmers Festival

OK... now this is California so they had a Farmers Festival. As part of it they had a Farmers Daughter contest. They were judged by competitions  such as tractor driving, goat milking, sewing and cooking activities and a mystery contest. Yet, just to be named a finalist, these young women already had to depend on their poise and speaking abilities to impress judges and use their writing skills to complete an essay outlining why they want to become the Farmer’s Daughter. Hmmm .. Wonder HOW they impressed the judges..

Hey I didn't see mention of implant judging.. unless that's how they impressed the judges...<grin>

Kill Bin Laden
Of course one of the activities they have at a Farmers Festival is a Demolition Derby. I mean don't all farmers do that? A demolition derby is kind of like rush hour on the 405 here. I think they use the demolition derby for driver education here. One of the themes seemed to be directed towards Osama Bin Laden. If you look on the front of this car it says Kill Bin Laden and the crowd liked that idea. Look at all the work this guy did to this car to do nothing but smash it up.

Bin Laden in Trunk
And here is another. Across the trunk it says Bin Laden in Trunk. If you have never been to a demolition derby the idea is to protect your front end where the radiator is cause if your radiator gets blown your engine will overheat pretty quickly. So, this guys idea was if Bin Laden was in the trunk everyone would hit him in the back end.

I don't remember the name of this vehicle but it had something to do with hunting down Bin Laden. The crowd loved it. Even the ones that had teeth.

Rush Hour on the 10
Here is a shot of rush hour on the 10. In fact just a few days before I was at the festival there was a 54 car pile up near Perris on the 215. When they do accidents in California they do them right.... it looked even worse then this.

Here's what happens when your radiator gets blown....

Pansy Cadillac (#18 to the left)
This was the Cadillac model that had the very short sloped trunk. The pansy who drove this would go hide in the corner and wait to take a cheap shot at somebody instead of mixing it up like the rest of the driver education teachers on the track. This car smashed into the back of him but because of the slope of his trunk he went right up on top. The two cars got stuck together  and couldn't move. I was glad to see it... I didn't want to see the pansy win cause he was spending most of his time hiding... Sheeez...