George C. Page Museum


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The Page museum is built next to the Brea Tar pits in Hancock Park on Wilshire Blvd. in the Miracle mile. We have been to the park a few times and looked at the Tar Pits but had not been in the actual museum.. well because they charge admission<grin>. This weekend it was part of a program where about 30 museums in SCAL had free admission so we went. The museum is dedicated to the research of the Tar Pits. 

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From time to time, the asphalt in the tar pits would form a deposit thick enough to trap animals, and the surface would be covered with layers of water, dust, or leaves. Animals would wander in, become trapped, and eventually die. Predators would enter to eat the trapped animals and also become stuck. Among finds on the grounds are remains of a mammoth, saber-toothed cat, six dire wolves, bison, horses, a giant ground sloth, turtles, snails, clams, millipedes, fish, gophers, and an American lion.

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Hancock Park, The Page Museum and the tar pits are a great place to explore. On the grounds you can see the excavation of Pit 91, full size replica's of animals that lived there and of course the tar pits.

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