Water Savvy Garden Tour


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Well our local water company, Cucamonga Valley Water District, holds this Water Savvy Home yard every year. We like to go and get ideas. We actually saw a few plants this time we liked and went home and planted them.

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We did our yard like these last year and have cut down our water bill and consumption by about 1/3. Not sure I am ready to put our yard in the annual garden tour though. We also did things like install a rain barrel to catch rain when we get it and we use that for plants on the front porch and places that don't get rain.

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With all of the issues because of the draught we are starting to see more and more people ripping out grass and planting more water efficient yards. We talked about it for a few years before we finally took the plunge. We also entered their Water Savvy Yard Contest this year and we won one of the grand prizes. Not exactly sure what that is but last year it was a $250 gift card to a local nursery.

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