Rubel's Castle


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A Castle in Glendora you say? Well, this is Michael Rubel's Castle and he spent 26 years building his dream castle. In building the castle they took car parts, motorcycle parts and almost anything you can think of and stuck them into the walls of the castle built from river rock. We visited this in 2008 and at that time Michael was still alive.

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They had a video you watch by Huell Howser where he interviewed Michael and it was really funny. Michael was a happy go lucky guy .. his outlook on life as a child was let's build a fort and as an adults.. hey lets build a castle. I like that... let's build a fort...

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Michael Rubel gifted his property that includes Rubelia Castle, The Tin Palace, The Bottle House, Rubel Pharm etc. to the Glendora Historical Society through his will in an agreement finalized February 25, 2005. The Historical society has tours of the castle you can take.

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