Oscar Mayer Wienermobile


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Well here I am in front of the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. As a kid growing up I remember trying to talk my mother into buying Oscar Mayer hot dogs so I could get a wienerwhistle. Yup, inside every package of hot dogs they had a wienerwhistle. The wienerwhistle is a replica of the wienermobile only it was a whistle. It was a real struggle because they were more expensive then the cheap wieners she normally bought. So, you can imagine my excitement when Karen came home and told me the Wienermobile was up at the local grocery store. I had to go see it !!! The real Wienermobile.. here, in my town... OMG

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The first Wienermobile was built in 1936 and the people that drive them are known as Hotdoggers. During WWII the Wiernmobiles were not on the road due to gas rationing but in the 50s there were several on the road. In 2004 Oscar Mayer started a new program where customers could win the use of the wienermobile for a day. OMG how cool to ride in the Wienermobile ! They had over 15,000 entries in one month. Today there are eight Wienermobiles on the road. 6 are full size. One of the others is a mini and the last one is a food truck. The Hotdogger position is open to US citizens that are college students about to graduate. The job lasts for one year. They get about 2,000 applicants a year the the coveted position of Hotdogger. Hot Dog !!!!

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