Ballarat, CA.


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We have been through Ballarat a few times now on the way to Death Valley. This particular time it was near sunset hence the long shadows but wonderful lighting and colors. George Riggins from Australia named the town after a town in his homeland in the middle of Australia's gold country. The vehicle to the left was left by Tex Watson when he and Charlie Manson were passing through on their way to Barker Ranch.

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The Manson "family" left graffiti in the town. Wikipedia says on Easter weekend in 1971 a thousand people attended a Hippy  celebration and a couple hundred of them contracted hepatitis A from contaminated drinking water. Today Ballarat has two permanent residents year round. In it's heyday, 1897 to 1905 it had about 500 residents.

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The building to the left was the jail and morgue depending on the needs at  the time. There is a woman who comes in the summer that lives in this structure. There was a scene in Easy Rider filmed in Ballarat where Peter Fonda removes his Rolex watch and throws it away then he and Dennis Hopper ride off to New Orleans. When we heard this I had to buy the movie and watch to see if this was true and it is. Yeah, I could have looked it up on IMDB.COM but it was more fun to watch the movie again,.

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