Santa Ana Zoo


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I get a number of magazines; Sunset, Inland Empire, Westways to name a few. Each of these will have lists of things coming up or places to see not too far away. I will tear out pages or enter things in a spreadsheet. The Santa Ana Zoo was featured on one of them so I finally got around to going. The zoo is only 20 acres in size so not huge. We went in early December and had a picnic lunch on the grounds. It was one of those nice winter days where temperature was around 70 degrees and the sun felt nice.

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The founder of the Zoo, Joseph Prentice, donated the land with the stipulation that there be 50 monkeys at all times. There were at least 50 monkeys and because the temperature was comfortable they were very active. We watched the monkeys swinging around in their cages for quite some time. They were so quick and graceful as they swung from branch to branch.

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I would not want to be a small rodent in the wild with this Bald Eagle peering down at me. What an intense stare. The zoo was not very crowded and was an easy walk around just like I had read. It made for a very nice winter day.

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